Top 10 reasons why Fuzzy Brands Notice Boards are great for student houses!
We asked our intern Emily what she thinks the best uses of a notice board in a uni house are and this is what she came up with.
1. Timetables
Organisation is key for students with their busy schedules. Having their timetables on one of our notice boards will make their lives simpler. They’ll be able to easily see what day they’re doing what, giving them chance to plan when they can go out.
2. Birthdays
Students will jump at any reason to go out, so what better reason than one of their housemates’ birthdays?! Knowing when birthdays are gives you the chance to book your favourite bar and pubs in advance so you can celebrate properly.
3. Takeaway menus
We all have those days when we just want a cheat meal, whether that be a pizza or a Chinese. Pinning takeaway menus on our notice boards is a student must! The best takeout’s in your area being on display makes ordering food effortless.
4. Shopping lists
For those days when you decide you’re not going to have a takeaway for once, you’ve got to have the essentials in. Having a big shopping list on a notice board that everyone can add to, makes it easier when you nip to the shop. Our large notice board will come in handy when you all get carried away adding to the list.
5. Clubs and societies
Having a list of all the clubs and societies available on campus is a great way to do something with or without your housemates. Being able to clearly see what’s going on and what to join on your notice board makes student life easy to join in with.
6. Household rota
No one wants to come home to a grubby house so our notice board will help display those all-important rotas of chores. Everyone agrees to their own job, whether that be emptying the dishwasher or putting the bins out. The rota being on display makes sure that everyone knows what their chores are - that way everyone is happy.
7. Discount vouchers
Sticking up any voucher or code on your notice board that could help someone out on a purchase is always a great way to manage that budget you said you’d stick to or making you feel less guilty for that splurge you said you wouldn’t do… at least it was cheaper!
8. Gig tickets (I wish)
Unfortunately, in this current climate, gigs aren’t happening. But when they were, saving your tickets to savour the memories is a must. Being able to see all the gigs you’ve been too is always fun and adds some personality to your house’s noticeboard.
9. Household bills
Those bills have got to be paid and everyone in the house needs to know about them. What better place, other than a notice board, would there be to pop the dates of those bills on so that you’re all
10. Reminder to call home!
Don’t forget to message those close to you, they want to know if you’re coping without your home comforts! A friendly reminder to send a message to mum and dad will save you from forgetting!
From shopping lists to a cleaning rota, our notice boards have got you covered.
Fuzzy Brands notice boards give you plenty of space to pop your favourite takeout menus alongside the other important stuff. So, if you don’t know what you want for dinner – you can check the board.
Fuzzy Brands notice boards are great for student houses!
We have a range of styles & sizes for you to choose from to put all that useful stuff on. That way everyone in the house knows what’s going on.