The rise of doorstep deliveries
The number of doorstep deliveries has rocketed during lockdown with lots of companies switching their business model to keep their doors open and customers happy. Home deliveries of milk have also increased as grocery shopping involves queues, masks, and a lot of stress for many people.
Many local businesses have shown their true worth during lockdown. A local café offered a delivery service to all self-isolating customers within a 2-mile radius. It meant they didn’t shut their doors but maintained their business. They were also able to get flour when no one else had stocks, and it has given a real boost to the local community. It’s also meant that they have kept their customers loyal.
We believe this level of convenience for customers is going to be part of the new normal. Ordering online and getting a delivery direct is unlikely to go away. On the global scale we have business like Amazon who have seen volumes go through the roof, but that’s no reason not to offer it as a small business.
Offering doorstep deliveries can add an extra income steam for many businesses where social distancing can reduce the number of people using bars, cafes, and restaurants. Local brewers too, unable to sell through pubs and restaurants, have offered direct deliveries. We’ve heard of one local brewer was donating a percentage of money to the local pub where the customer would normally drink, a clever way to keep both drinkers and landlords happy!
Bags are literally rubbish for delivering bottles and cartons, they aren’t strong enough and they just add to landfill. Businesses that offer delivery of bottles and cartons need something better. Tried and tested for milk deliveries for decades, bottle crates offer the same level of protection for wine and beer!
Fuzzy Brands has 12 x 1 litre bottle crates in 4 colours. They are reusable, sturdy and stackable. They can be stacked up to 5 high, which means they are stable in the back of a van and storage is easy too. They have ergonomic handles so even when they are full, they are kind to hands and they make it easy to deliver bottles to customers. But the very best thing about using our bottle crates is that they reduce breakages.
Our 12 litre bottle crates are perfect for any bottles up to 1 litre including wine, beer, fruit and vegetable juices, fizzy drinks, cordials, and of course milk! As well as doorstep deliveries, they are great for trade deliveries too. They are reusable so they make a very cost and time effective way of delivering to cafes, restaurants and pubs.
We also have a 20-bottle crate for milk-sized bottles in 3 colour options.
Individually priced on the website for 24/7 ordering, these crates are available from stock for quick delivery. If you’re a business looking to buy in bulk, please use the contact form or call us on 01332 419 667 during work hours.