Beer Crates in Schools?
We recently had quite an unlikely customer place an order for our Beer/Milk Bottle Crates - Southcote Primary School!
When we began marketing our range of bottle crates, we had a few ideas of who our customers might be.
Bars sure, Pubs of course, even the occasional retailer is expected while the holidays creep up on us all, but no one on at Fuzzy HQ was anticipating a school.
What’s interesting is how they’re being used - no, it’s not to help the teachers cope with the little monsters they’re looking after; which was our apprentices first guess...
It’s to store the kids’ water bottles!
After receiving a sample to check the size the School promptly ordered a batch.
We think this is a lovely idea, encouraging the children to stay hydrated at school and having an anti-spill storage solution for it as well. We’re told they’re using a few for each class and I’m sure their stackability is coming in handy too!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas from all at Fuzzy Brands.